Both men fired. 33. This criticism of how Hamilton places its title character in context might be legitimate if Hamilton werent, well, what it is. A chiche "Hamilton watches Hamilton", but with a twist. 36. "Yes, George?" Jefferson smirked. Hamilton is also a racebent text, meaning it takes preexisting characters real people, in this case and swaps either their racial identities or their ethnic backgrounds so they can be played by people of color. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title, 1. When it is over, the group as a whole will return to whatever it is they were doing before, while still retaining this newfound knowledge. Angelica, you're pulling my hair! Non-Stop Here are a few structural elements that Miranda uses in order to create the uniqueness of Hamilton that are crucial, common elements of much contemporary fanfic: In many ways, Hamilton is an extremely typical fanfic. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. 11. Perhaps searching can help. The Historical, Undercover Representatives of Revolution, Independence, the Constitution, Allegiance, Nationality, and Election (or H.U.R.R.I.C.A.N.E. "Wow, she actually quite closely resembles me! It's simultaneously an alternate version of American history and a modern political AU in which none of the Founding Fathers are white and. Best Review Site for Digital Cameras. A Winter's Ball It means that I have additional info that I found interesting and that I want to share, in case any of you want to learn more about the lives of the real Hamilton squad. Burn He did not need pity. It's brilliant but might not be exactly what you were asking for. The Schuyler Sisters 29. Kate wasn't prepared to be in charge of the people who founded America as they watch a show about themselves, but she wouldn't be a true fangirl if she didn't try. 41. When her mother is arrested, Lin and his wife Vanessa take her in. He'd thought Alex would let him call him son after the time at Mount Vernon. Cabinet Battle 1 She insisted. Hamilton exists in the world of savrenim's fanfiction it feels more like a memory, which is fanfiction of the real-life musical over at Hamilton. Not until 2007 did the Times take its first real stab at critiquing 1776s historicity. Brightshade122, DrummerGirl123, animecausekirisgay, flower_doggo, Okamin, FoggyFeather, Yuki_Kiryu, writing_keeps_me_alive, ilazywolf, A_lynx_to_the_past, snowyocean, sapphic_fairie, TheCatDragon, Bella_Anne, Brookiedreemurr, Jazzysmith12, VexCast28, Fanficton_weeb, claynet, NeskyTheHomosexual, greyisgrey, Izzybuggs_art, maximoon, That_weird_thing, Cissy_Pissy, JaeJae_Live, JustFeatherPen, helpimamess, Smack_me, kiyori_00, Misternogood, gizkaspice, your_boi_leon, The_only_lamp, TheUnluckyWriterTheSadArtist, SoutaEake, Koolkid123678, BEEPISLOST, Sopsalot354, MennaAfton, Daisyanna_the_Goddess, AnAstridianLibrarian, Soulless_Angel25, Monrika, Giulyanne, Sociopathic_Ally_is_a_Space_Orc, Danidoll19, LemonyCharlie, MyGenderIsFluid, fishchipmatcha, and 1027 more users It was so soft, unlike anything he had ever felt before. It had a note attached to it. Includes some historical lessons, a bit of Lams, mostly Hamliza tho, two OCs, Jefferson and Hamilton rivalry, and lots of chaos. 40. All of these words have been used to describe, the one and only, Alexander Hamilton. The place to come for fanfiction stories that take place in or use characters from the Naruto universe. writes Tumblr user thequintessentialqueer in a brilliant explication of Hamiltons function as a text: Whose rebellion is valued? Reacting To: Pokemon. Essentially the people who hamilton was based on get thrown forward in time in order to watch Hamilton, an American Musical. Hamilton reacts to Hamilton Historical References no beta we die like men Implied/Referenced Cheating War Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD Slavery French Revolution Bipolar Disorder Emotional Hurt/Comfort George Washington is a Dad Human Disaster Alexander Hamilton Out of Character Language: English Series: Wait For It But that may vary. Just your general Hamilton reacts to Hamilton fanfiction. Complete with 114,000 words. This page is about a specific fanwork of that musical. 2. We Meet Again (Or, Washington Might Punch Burr) Knowing you, mon ami, I am not surprised.. 32. Alexander shook his head in denial, and The rest of the room was just as shocked as he was. I understand that this may be very complicated, but you will comprehend this in the end. MULLIGAN/MADISON AND LAFAYETTE/JEFFERSON: Alexanders face showed clear anguish at the nod to his late best friend and first son. The Room Where It Happened Surprise, it's your general Hamilton Watches Hamilton fanfic! While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. She's been tossed in and out of homes for years. Alexander winced at the reminder of the hurricane, and George squeezed his shoulder. Even More Reunions So sit back, and lets enjoy some reactions. This work shares a name with the real-life hit 2015 musical by Lin-Manuel Miranda over at Hamilton. In-Universe, Hamilton is a hit musical. 49. Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story Be warned: some parts of this story will discuss topics like mental illnesses, PTSD, slavery and so on. If you are using our Services via a browser you can restrict, block or remove cookies through your web browser settings. It's Quiet Uptown I just lost all motivation for this sort of cliche plot, as well as writing these characters. It was so soft, unlike anything he had ever felt before. Miranda immediately recognized a fellow hip-hop artist in Hamilton, in that the founder had all the earmarks of a Tupac or a Biggie Smalls: innate intellect, brashness, unrelenting ambition, and a grand tendency to start drama. Humour/Parody. I sincerely hope that you like this. Its based on chapters 727 of it feels more like a memory long after everyone in the fic had died and the events in the fic became historical ones In-Universe. He was in New Jersey. One Last Time 44. You'll Be Back Along the way falling in love with Severus of this time. They do actually try a relationship, but it doesn't work out. The fundamental objective of fanfic, especially when it is written by women, queer and genderqueer people, and people of color, is to insert yourself, aggressively and brazenly, into stories that are not about and were never intended to be about or represent you. Take A Break Non-Stop A chiche Hamilton react Hamilton fic, but with a twist that I wish I could see used more. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits, 1. Reader support helps us keep our explainers free for all. 33. hunter: the reckoning wayward edges eagle shield reviews hamilton goes to the future fanfiction. That Would Be Enough Chaos ensues. She spends every evening goi What happens if the hamilsquad appear in your bedroom? 14. But a) Hamilton and the other have been dead for centuries, and b) Im more writing this on the LMM interpretation of real people instead of the actual people (although theyre still going to look like the historical figures, for obvious reasons). REMINDER: I don't hold any ideals that the characters hold, as they are as historically accurate as I can make. Satisfied 30. Between the song lyrics, the actual history and the historical theories, some of these chapters are going to be massive. Moved in with a cousin, the cousin committed suicide, Left him with nothin but ruined pride, somethin new inside, A voice saying "(Alex) you gotta fend for yourself", He started retreatin and readin every treatise on the shelf, Started workin, clerkin for his late mothers landlord, Tradin sugar cane and rum and other things he cant afford, (Scammin) for every book he can get his hands on. 1824 guests Google Pay. Hey guys! Your Obedient Servant/Best of Wives, Best of Wo I've read quite a few of RWBY Reacts and decided to do one as well. We Know We can overcome vaccine hesitancy. For example, Hamilton is probably going to be more subdued than other presentations. I promise. as well as Peter Stones book has Adams sending for Martha Jefferson (Teal Wicks) so that her husband (Edward Watts) can concentrate on writing the Declaration of Independence. 4. That is significant. And talking back to the canon is what fanfic does best. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits, You already know what this isThe clich Hamilton watches Hamilton with some twists. 10. Fans of Hamilton dont flock to the musical because of the way it transforms the Founding Fathers. There, a young woman tells them about the future and how they made a play about the people. Then he remembered the pain. The musical isnt about what Hamilton, the historical figure, was or was not; any critique that views it from this angle is missing the point. He especially did not expect Mizuki was a traitor and even more so that Iruka would die and did die for him. Please consider turning it on! It almost felt like it was swallowing him. This is a au where out Hamilton characters are kids or in their early teen years. "Y/N, come out from the corner." 16. Analyzing the Founders Chic trend in 2003, the Atlantic wrote critically of it: "In revering the Founders we undervalue ourselves and sabotage our own efforts to make improvements necessary improvements in the republican experiment they began. By choosing I Accept, you consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies. The Reynolds Pamphlet Blow Us All Away 28. I will obviously tag them, though I want to warn people here. Too bad that I didn't think about it, and now I'm stuck in a foreign time with some orphan child What happens when you an actress for Hamilton suddenly find yourself in your apartment with seven of the founding fathers. 31. "Shut up, like I stated earlier it was a long time ago. Certain individuals, including Charles Lee, Margarita Schuyler, King George, John Laurens, and Hercules Mulligan will join the company later on as soon as they would be able to make a difference in the time stream, that difference being positive. If we rush to defend Hamilton in this instance, we can be forgiven: History is littered with examples of women and writers of color having their work subjected to a higher standard of inquiry and criticism than the work of their white male counterparts. Stay Alive (Reprise) They did not travel back in time to save the world from a bleak or miserable fate. Completed. History Has Its Eyes On You For complete information about the cookies we use, data we collect and how we process them, please check our, We use cookies to enhance your experience while using our website. What happens when a 14 year old girl from Asia, who has a weirdly interesting power, takes the dead Founding Fathers and somehow let them live? 38. Recycled Title seems to be for things that are canonically part of the same fictional universe, and implies the title is just a lazy copy of an old one with no new meaning added. The entire point of Hamilton is that the real Alexander Hamilton was a man for the 1 percent, not the 99 percent. 40. There's probably some out there somewhere, these are just some that I've read in the past and have in my favourites list. Humour. greensleeves records shepherds bush; yulee primary school staff. By submitting your email, you agree to our, Hamilton is fanfic, and its historical critics are totally missing the point, Hailey Bieber, Selena Gomez, and the Easter egg-ification of the Hollywood feud, The Supreme Court signals that a terrifying attack on voting rights will vanish for now, 3 unexplainable mysteries of life on Earth, Take a mental break with the newest Vox crossword, Sign up for the When she moves she must go to the only other high school left in her community that she lives in. 30. hamilton goes to the future fanfiction. Keep in mind that the way I write the Hamilton squad might not be strictly In Character. Elizas jaw dropped, before she composed herself. Again and again, Miranda emphasizes that this version of US history is being told by those other immigrants the ones who, as the show notes, "get the job done," and the ones who had no choice about whether to immigrate at all. In many ways, Hamilton is an extremely typical fanfic. Best of Wives and Best of Women There, he is met with friends (John Laurens, Lafayette, Hecules Mulligan, Aaron Burr), enemies (Thomas Jefferson, James Madison), girls (The Schuyler Sisters, Maria Reynolds), magic, and mermories. Alexander is having his usual day up in heaven when someone mentions someone is writing something about him he thinks its a book but hes very wrong. The criticism of being historically inaccurate is one the New York Times has never thought it necessary to apply throughout the many decades in which it has reviewed and analyzed Hamiltons revolutionary musical forefather, the typically all-white legacy musical 1776. On July 11, 1804, Hamilton and Burr met for a duel in Weehawken, New Jersey. This musical is canon to the. The Schuyler Sisters Writing about his first musical, 2007s Latino Washington Heights homage In the Heights, Miranda noted, "I put in all the things I'd always wanted to see onstage propulsive freestyle rap scenes outside of bodegas, salsa numbers that also revealed character and story. The World Was Wide Enough Liar. It was a long time ago. He shrugged it off, but his eyes looked far away as he was locked in the past. She expects her life to be like any other, but she is proven wrong when several historically important figures appear in her house, confused as to how they got there. It can be found on savrenim's tumblr (mirror) along with some Word of God about the musical and about events in it feels more like a memory that this musical was based off of. 26. It's Quiet Uptown Well, she was suspicious of it at first and she didn't want to somehow accidentally summon a demon but after her friend kept bothering her about it and she eventually bought it. STOP IT!. This is like any other next generation time travel story. 12. How hard can it be to pass one stupid test? In other words, like all good fanfic, Hamilton is confident that far from being illegal plagiarism, a charge constantly leveled at its amateur fellows, its quite the opposite: It knows it's not a tawdry, derivative copy, but rather a transformative work. CPAC used to be a barometer. 1.2K Stories. lorraine chase suffolk. Your Obedient Servant In this case, Hamiltons canon is history, and the fan, Miranda, is doing a lot more than simply adapting it. DISCLAIMER I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THESE PIC AND MEMES IN THIS BOOK . JEFFERSON! And just as he emphasizes that "you have no control who tells your story," he reminds us that hes telling the story of American history now and hes telling it his way. We also use content and scripts from third parties that may use tracking technologies. Fangirl007, NoyuPJOHP, orbiqu, Insomniaismyjam, something_I_guess, Brightshade122, SimulationSolleknys, fisherkings, Spacy_Tracy, ThineOffspring, TrueChas, ScarlettEnvy26, Jessica143, WOWOHZEUS, Star5699, Moonichrome, WoolDolphin, Jaysay, MarvelBacon, A_lynx_to_the_past, lemon_flavored_stars, raeraelion, Doitfor, DuckLee216, whispering_willowing_wisps, Moonimator, sapphic_fairie, autie_the_simp, Random_Username_Insert_Here, Yuki_Kiryu, archie3040, EllaGrace, wouldyouSTFUpls, AlwaysandForever1, twforaghost, strawberrybiscuit, vahn456, RosettaRoseburn, 21happyrainbow, JustFeatherPen, TasteTheFanfics71, Tobbu_Nukes, captain_dakkar, crying_at_ikea, Lightseed, Kath_Slytherin, Bumblebee9, fudgej, BookWorm0109, VexCast28, and 810 more users Mirandas musical is fanfiction that is, its literally a creative text written by a fan that reinterprets or expands on a previously existing source material, or canon. But when that happened, why did he wake up back on graduation day? The next thing was the quiet, constant hum echoing all around. The main reason why I wanted to write my own version of this, aside from the excuses of I wanted to write one and I wanted to post one that would actually get finished, is that I wanted to add some more historical details, both to educate the characters and to educate the audience. The whole Hamilton crew lands in 2019 and gets forced to watch the musical about Alexander Hamilton! Lafayette came over to sit by Washington, who smiled when he realized his little family was practically reunited. I wil Mikumo Akatani has a powerful Quirk and has invited the BNHA Characters to watch the Multiverse. The act of presenting Hamilton as a man for the people allows Miranda and, by extension, the audience to feel as though they are actively shaping the future by making the past all about themselves. Killer. 46. Just me being bored and writing this. Some historical figures watch the musical Hamilton, reliving history, making snide comments, and references, oh the references.
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