Code . Manufacturers change sizes quite frequently. First, you need to pull up your vehicles clutch cable. 0000014611 00000 n Some say Harley Evo is the best Harley engine, while others say, Read More Harley Evo. Front Brake Disc screws 6. No two are exactly alike, and each one has its own story. Could someone tell me which is correct? In that service manual are torque specs for specific fasteners. It's time to torque the pulley nuts for my belt drive. Copyright 2023 Ride It Wrench It on the Foodie Pro Theme. 0000004810 00000 n Estimate 1/4 Mile Time See Figure 58. Been finding everything earlier than 2017 but not for the newer bikes beyond 2014. A forum community dedicated to all Harley-Davidson model owners and enthusiasts. He said that before they redesigned the compensator. Shop Now Any help would be appreciated. In the 2.1 Fastener Torque Values table it shows 17 to 23 ftlbs and in the text it shows 13 to 15 ftlbs. Thus, the motorcycle gets its top speed for which it is known. Rocker Cover You can also just shift into neutral at stops and keep the idle down low enough to retain it from grinding into gear. 10. details explained, Fork Lock Replacement for Harley Davidson | Motor Bike Insider, Tips on Changing Harley Davidson Exhaust Pipe Detailed Explained. When I get this question it is not one I will answer. 9-12 foot pounds I guess I should mention it is a 93 Fatboy. Video-In this completely free video we show you how to completely remove your inner and outer primary drive housings on a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. According to the companys instructions, Harley Davidson will inform the owners about it. Learn how to replace it on your bike! 1WARNING 1WARNING 1WARNING 1WARNING Kit Numbers 33044-03A, 33045-03A 1 of 6 STOCK 5 - SPEED SE 6 - SPEED 1st 3.210 3.210 2 nd 2.209 2.209 VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. 1/4 inch bolts He said the torque value listed in his service manual was different for his 2008 Road King. Cast Wheel Then, dealers will visit to inspect the clutch master cylinder whether there is any presence of gas in the fluid or not. Make sure that the tapped hole is clean and dry (chase with a tap if necessary and remember to blow out with air gun). Yes, those torque values are correct and don't forget to use some red locktite. But I have a question about the torque vaules. Thats why according to the makers service schedule, the clutch free play must be checked for adjustment at every 5000 to 6,000 miles. It has several links you could look at. Sometimes you can even shift up into second and then down into the first. Refer to applicable Service Manual. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Clutch lever free play: 1/16". For a Dyna Low Rider the Outer Primary Cover is 108-120 inch (9-10 ft.) lbs. Clutch cover bolts are 7.2 ft-lb, according to the service manual (86.4 in-lb). Using Red thread lock on transmission main shaft prior to installing the clutch hub nut. 2003 Harley Davidson Touring 2003 H-D Touring Service Manual, 2003 H-D Electrical Diagnostics Manual, 2003 H-D Police Model Service Manual Supplement and 2003 H-D FLHRSEI2 Service Manual Supplement for: 2003 Harley-Davidson FLHTCUI Ultra Classic- Electra Glide, 2003 Harley-Davidson FLHR/FLHRI Road King, 2003 Harley-Davidson FLHT Electra Glide -Standard, 2003 Harley-Davidson FLHRCI Road King -Classic, 2003 Harley-Davidson FLTR/FLTRI Road Glide, 2003 Harley-Davidson FLHTC/FLHTCI Electra Glide- Classic, 2003 FLHP, FLHTP and FLHRSEI2. The engine lubrication system consists of a twin gerotor, dual scavenge, crank mounted and driven, internal oil pump, dry sump oil pump and 10 micron media, filtered between pump and engine with pressure 30-38 psi (207-262 kN/m2) at 2000 rpm and normal operating temperature of 230o F (110o C). Then, let it soak, and give it a couple of whacks to free up the adjuster along with the locknut as well. Selecting a cam When the question comes up about socket sizes my immediate thought is "are they even working on the same make and year of bike?". Refer to the torque values from your service manual as necessary. Harley Davidson Tire Pressure Chart: Recommended Tire Pressure For Harley Motorcycles? Harley Dyna Service Manual.pdf, (You must log in or sign up to reply here. Specifications. Nonetheless, we suggest you read the user manual. This demonstrates a serious lack of understanding basic tool use and assessment ability. In case a situation ever arises where a Harley Davidson Hydraulic Clutch Problems needed to be fixed, How To Adjust Harley Hydraulic Clutch? thanks guys. They say using a specified tire with, Read More Harley Davidson Tire Pressure Chart: Recommended Tire Pressure For Harley Motorcycles?Continue, Harley-Davidson has a long and storied history. Now, you need to bring your service manual and follow the instruction. % You can refer to the answers below. Chapter 8 Electrical System torque specifications (page 8.4) states: Starter jackshaft bolt84 to 108 inch-lbs (9.5 to 12.2 Nm) The starter jack shaft bolt in the 2003 Dyna Parts Catalog (page 30 & 31) is item 6 in the list, it is called:- Part No. The next service manual picture is of the final torque for the compensating sprocket bolt on a 2015 Street Glide Special with a 103cu engine: 175 ft-lbs. 15-17 foot pounds Scribe a line on the transmission sprocket nut and continue the line on the transmission sprocket as shown. 10-13 foot pounds TC 100HP It is crucial for safety and smooth riding performance. Failure to maintain the Harley clutch lever and all fasteners can result in damage or injury. Also, as recommended by a guy who builds racing engines. My question is when there is a range , for instance transmission drain plug , 14-21 ft. Lbs , is it best to stay in the middle of that range or stay up towards the top of the range . Engine Tuning While one person might have no issue pulling a primary, another person may be apprehensive about changing brake pads. Then you have the tools for repeating the same task later and for any other work you want to perform. 3/8" - 33 ft. lbs. Rear Wheel Sprocket bolts Nitrous Oxide 88 cu. Now release the clutch plates that caused the dragging. Good questions! CUSTOM Shovelhead 90-120 inch pounds Derby is 84-108 inch (7-9 ft.) lbs. Harley Davidson Softails require one quart of primary fluid. Hello all.. me again.. well im putting my clutch and compensator back together. 144. 28-32 foot pounds 0. 2008 Harley Davidson Touring Motorcycle Factory Service Manual for: FLHT Electra Glide Standard, FLHR Road King, FLHTC Electra Glide Classic, FLHRC Road King Classic, FLHTCU Ultra Classic Electra Glide, FLHTCU ANV 105th Anniversary Ultra Classic Electra Glide, FLHRC ANV 105th Anniversary Road King Classic, FLTR Road Glide, FLHX Street Glide, 2008 FLT Police Models Service Manual Supplement, 2008 FLHTCUSE 3 Model Service Manual Supplement. I lubed the sprocket nut up with oil under the head, tightened to 75 ft/lbs, then 160 ft/lbs. . EVO Where might I find a service repair manual for a 2017 Harley Davidson Road King? Keep in mind this is the one for the 2007 modeles . We also found 79 foot-pounds of torque capacity for the 1340-cc Evolution engine at 3500RPM. For doing that, you need to secure the adjuster by using a wrench. 25-40 foot pounds Come join the discussion about performance, modifications, troubleshooting, builds, maintenance, classifieds and more! (95.25 mm) We have briefly discussed Harley Davidson torque specifications for only a few components and models. Carburetor Engine Displacement Milwaukee 8 models will hold 34 ounces dry and 30 to 32 ounces wet of Harley primary chaincase lubricant. The engine produces a maximum peak output power of 100.00 HP (73.0 kW)) @ 5020 RPM and a maximum torque of 165.43 Nm (16.9 kgf-m or 122.0 ft.lbs) @ 2250 RPM . The clutch hub nut, the large nut holding the inner and outer clutch hubs on, torques to 110-150 foot pounds. Transmission Sprocket nut Wheelbase. Refer to Table 18. The bottom line is this: If you are wanting to wrench on your bike get a service manual for your specific make, year, and model. Instructions say refer to the manual. 0000001947 00000 n The repair manual is saying compensating nut at 75lbs and clutch hub nut at clutch hub 70-80 . Heritage softail deluxe FLSTNT. Your email address will not be published. @3XL`=8$(d ;1"+0aO o/(aqS,5M There is a thread going now about manuals. vs Twin Cam: What Makes the Difference? Within 7000 miles the nut came loose. A forum community dedicated to Harley Davidson V-Rod Motorcycle owners and enthusiasts. Finding Manifold Leaks 9-10 foot pound You will need its torque specifications whenever you plan to customize, upgrade or service your Harley Davidson motorcycles. Next, put the spring, cover, and screws back just like they were. Front Fender mounting bracket bolts Spark Plugs And this article will provide you the ultimate guideline to do that task without experiencing any troubleshooting issues. The diaphragm spring bolts should be 90-110 in/lbs. Ignition timing. TC Exhaust Testing as instructed in your factory manual. Motor Oil June 2, 2018 by Ride It Wrench It 4 Comments. Cam / Nosecone Cover screws 0000013394 00000 n <> Install Sportster cams Continue with Recommended Cookies. #8 - 14 in. 0000004308 00000 n Stop the guess work and get a manual! Use my videos as a visual reference before or as your working on your bike. '05 Carbed Night Train (Sold) 111 rwhp, 112 rwtq Best 1/4 ET 12.557s Best 1/4 MPH 108.59. __transmission sprocket nut at 60.. Exhaust Length In general, you do not need to worry about Harley Davidson hydraulic clutch adjustment. 2.) 0000032160 00000 n %PDF-1.4 % The nut only moved about 10 degrees past the . Insert a 7/16 in drill bit (1) through hole in front axle. Hello everyone not sure of this is the correct place to ask this question, but I have an 2004 road King fi. Ratman said: . You should be using a service manual to obtain the correct values for the motorcycle you are working on. I went and purchased a machine shim the fits exactly behind that nut. Refer to your service manual for locations of serial stamp locations and for complete specifications of your year and model motorcycle. SOURCE: Need the torque specs on clutch for a 85 FLHTC. WEB Links This engine is designed to use unleaded fuel. <>>> But I read somewhere that mid-ninties Evo's should be about 80 lbs on clutch nut,and 130-150 ft. lbs. It helps to use a funnel designed for a primary case. I don't think there is a difference in clutch adjustment procedures. Khrome Werks AR100 test If I was to give a torque setting I would say 70 in./lb. 25-40 foot pounds, Fastener Size - What I stated is a direct addendum from Big Dog. Once you have finished the adjustment task, it is time to re-adjusting the jam nuts and derby cover in their positions. maximum. This article aimed to let you know about how to adjust Harley clutch cable. <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> It becomes even more important when you have a Harley Davidson motorcycle. 100 in lbs for the derby cover. Primary chaincase to engine bolts: 16-18. Number of cylinders 2 Type 4-cycle, 45V 2, air-cooled Torque - 86 ft-lbs (108.8 Nm) @ 3500 rpm, chrome duals exhaust Bore - 3.75 in. The compensator sprocket 150-165 foot pounds. You might wonder about their paint codes if youre lucky enough, Read More An In-Depth Discussion on Harley Davidson Paint CodesContinue, Your email address will not be published. in. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to The first service manual picture is of the final torque of the compensating sprocket bolt on a 2012 Street Glide with a 103cu engine. I am quite adamant in my videos about the use of a service manual if you're going to work on your bike. Exhaust Systems 25-40 foot pounds. The compensator sprocket 150-165 foot pounds. 25-30 foot pounds Oh forgot about the manual ?. (101.6 mm)Piston displacement - (approx.) And, compensating nut torque@ 90-100 lbs. Profession Tuning on a Shade Tree Budget, Engine Performance (0.97-1.09 mm)Spark plug torque - 12-18 ft-lbs (16-24 Nm), Pump - Twin gerotor, dual scavenge, crank mounted and driven, internal oil pump, dry sumpPressure - 30-38 psi (207-262 kN/m 2 ) at 2000 rpm and normal operating temperature of 230o F (110o C). Posted on Sep 24, 2009 In the next few sections, we will show you the most-required torque and its specifications. Seriously? Sand Cammo Denim, Black Denim,Charcoal Pearl,Morocco Gold Pearl,Blackened Cayenne Sunglo,Mysterious Red Sunglo,Amber Whiskey, Vivid Black. Transmission sprocket nut: 80-90. I would also encourage other viewers not to answer this question either. 0000009625 00000 n Re-adjusting the Jam Nut And Derby Cover: Once you have finished the adjustment task, it is time to re-adjusting the jam nuts and derby cover in their positions. 115 in lbs for the primary screws. Does that sound right? Then we've got the BAKER 9-Plate Street . After that, remove the jam nut with a wrench or screwdriver, which kept your clutch adjuster in place securely. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Harley Evo. I have had my clutch out a couple of times myself and have always torqued the nut to 200, backed . It is crucial for the proper maintenance of every Harley motorbike. Whatever the need, you need to work with specific torques for each part. Air Density, Harley-Davidson EFI That did say maxium of 50 degree. Pistons and Cylinders gear lube. Next, you can either do a half turn to a full turn, as mentioned in the book. 30-40 foot pounds 2020. Note: The information below should not be used as a reference as this is only a sample of information typicaly found in a service manual. 18-22 foot pounds Camshaft Specifications Each motorcycle has hundreds of screws, nuts, and bolts for different hardware. There is an issue if they cannot determine the size of the socket or wrench they will need. With this drive-train, the Harley-Davidson Freewheeler . 0000013023 00000 n )Ef,gT,M/3qD?%`kdO(9T5fgeY~V_]+S*,gUas-R'YYN%7O9 )"/X/BWIIZd9Sh'-`2L/!(0J"GNI. If you are typical shovelhead issues on your Harley, then disassemble the clutch and clean the friction plates with a brake cleaner. Including all these torque specs for Harley in a single article is nearly impossible. You need a manual, as you need torque specs for the entire assembly of the primary cover, inner primary bolts, clutch hub nut, compensator, starter bolts, starter jackshaft bolt, swingarm pivot bolts and rear axle nut. In the above table, we have only described Harleys most widely required torque numbers. (85 cc) bathtubCam system - Twin cams, chain driven with spring loaded tensionersMax. To frame amount of slack into the clutch cable to have a complete slack edge on the clutch handle. Estimate Top Speed lb.) 70 foot pounds Harley-Davidson CVO Tri Glide Specs. on the Comp nut. tourbox. Figure 1. The first question I want to ask back is: "why are you working on your bike without a service manual?" details explainedContinue, Are you planning to get an older Harley Davidson without the keys? Not being able to utilize tools properly could lead to serious injury or death if nuts and bolts are not secured correctly with the proper tool size and torqued to specification. SOURCE: need dry clutch torque specs for a ducati monster s4. . DIESEL-FUMES. Two lines in nut on Compensator and one line in clutch hub nut. After that, you can use some non-petrol-based silicon lube on the friction plates. Buy Books and Manuals New EFI for EVO and TC, Performance Gallery Transmission Sprocket locking screw 0000007800 00000 n This is a perfect example on a critical drive component as to why you should not be asking about torque specifications. Clutch Hub Nut 84) 110 - 150 ft lbs: Mainshaft Nut 85) 35 - 65 ft lbs: Access Cover Screws 86) Testing the Innovate Motorsport LM-1 portable air fuel meter -EFI modifications explained, Modification, How to Build a Jan 30, 2010 Harley Davidson 2007 Harley-Davidson FLHX. Inner primary bolts: 18-24 ft lbs. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Discrepency in shop manual- in beginning of transmission chapter that lists all torque values, it shows 7-9 ft. lbs. The clamping force of the clutch while under full throttle has to be very very high the way the clutch is built. 0000015868 00000 n nopyI/WQdV **\V>?lqFGG " Jj@(+Dq$10>X,[|c@IKdhubg;K@A ,OV{Zy @l ` O/X] endstream endobj 28 0 obj<> endobj 30 0 obj<> endobj 31 0 obj<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 32 0 obj<> endobj 33 0 obj<> endobj 34 0 obj<> endobj 35 0 obj<> endobj 36 0 obj<> endobj 37 0 obj[/ICCBased 61 0 R] endobj 38 0 obj<> endobj 39 0 obj<> endobj 40 0 obj<> endobj 41 0 obj<>stream
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