One thing to consider: we prefer this cast on for projects that have a medium to small number of cast on stitches. I will always identify affiliate links for you. 9. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ This video is available to members of Knitting Superstar University or the following classes: If you own this class, please LOG IN to watch. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. With the yarn in back, knit the first stitch normally. In this case, we recommend leaving a yarn tail that is roughly three times the width of your finished cast on dimensions plus about 6 extra for weaving in at the end. They are so well done, moving neither too fast nor too slow, and the viewing angle is just right! There comes a time in your knitting journey when you begin to find that patterns stop holding your hand through the process and basically let you choose-your-own-adventure when it comes to completing your knitted piece. This is true for a knit or purl cast on. Bring the yarn up and over the left-hand needle, then around the back of the right-hand needle in a figure-8 motion. This video shows how to twist the needle so you can continue casting on without having to remove it and un-twist each stitch with your fingers. Pick up the yarn with your left hand. It's basically the same stitch, but you alternate 2 knit stitches with 2 purl stitches. After completing the cast on (whether flat or in the round), simply knit the knit stitches and purl the purl stitches. The edges of the cast on elegantly merge right into the knits and purls, giving the illusion of no cast on at all. The slip knot should be knit as two stitches usually. It took me a while to get the hang of the method though. before slipping the purl stitch to the right needle, unworked. But! This cast on is not the same as the Italian tubular cast on. Thats ok! Some yarns have less give which in turn means your cast on will have less give. This officially sanctioned video shows the correct technique so you can create a beautiful, reversible, stretchy cast-on. 13. And I still find the first row too loose and messy looking. !function(n){if(!window.cnx){window.cnx={},window.cnx.cmd=[];var t=n.createElement('iframe');t.display='none',t.onload=function(){var n=t.contentWindow.document,c=n.createElement('script');c.src='//',c.setAttribute('async','1'),c.setAttribute('type','text/javascript'),n.body.appendChild(c)},n.head.appendChild(t)}}(document); Instructions. However, This pattern is for a cuff to cuff shrug, and I realize, I will be binding off for the second cuff. Bring the needle up, pulling the looped yarn under and in front of the index finger strand. *, By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. Here are instructions for two of my favorite stretchy cast on methods. Lastly, you pull the yarn tightly so that the hole in the middle closes. Later on, you simply have to graft one stitch to bridge the gap. Pick up the yarn with your left hand. Your email address will not be published. This video shows you every step so you can cast on for your next hat with confidence. Close up of Tillibuddy's Very Stretchy Cast On Another very different kind of cast on. In that situation, youll often have trouble getting your second needle into them and working the first row of stitches. The first option if you dont want to change up your cast on method? This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Its tough to join in the round on round one. Stretchy ones, in particular, are abound, because wearables are popular in knitting and it's important to be able to easily take the garment on and off. To cast off knitting, start on a new row, and knit two stitches loosely. I may do another post about tubular cast ons if you like. It would look really good on socks, hats, mittens and the like. Thanks again. Note: I earn a small commission for purchases made through links in this article. Pro tip: use your right index finger to hold the slip knot in place while you work. Watch the video at the 7:44 mark for a detailed demo on how to shuffle the cast on stitches around. isSSL = 'https:' == document.location.protocol; The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Single rib is a stretchy piece of knitting often used for cuffs and hems. And the results obviously speak for themselves. This is stretchy knitting cast on method. And for all your other very cool instructional videos. Since these yarns have less elasticity than wool, a super-stretchy cast on compensates for that. by Andrea Mowry, Use Chinese Waitress Cast-On to Cast On in the Middle of a Project, What Most People Get Wrong About the Chinese Waitress Cast On, Chinese Waitress Cast On Continental Style, Difference Between Chinese Waitress Cast-On Edge Right and Wrong Way, Chinese Waitress the Perfect Cast-On for Garter Stitch. If the cast-on or bound-off edge is too tight, it can break when the ribbing is stretched over a heel or a head. dhtml_v2.initialize(); I will be demonstrating this cast on with a 1x1 rib trim. yahoo_login_obj.init(); }); Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. You now have a knit stitch on the right needle! This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Home Thanks! Its stretchiness is slightly better than the knit cast on method's. The one-by-one rib stitch is a simple 2-row repeat that alternates knit and purl stitches for a super-stretchy and reversible fabric. And don't forget to check out my Etsy shop with all my knitting patterns. sct.async = "async"; Dont yank your working yarn when you slip the new stitch onto your left needle. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Non-members can access 3 free patterns every month. Remember, the relationship between your stitches is governed in part by the length of yarn between your stitches. Tubular cast-on tutorial: 11 rib Step 1: Cast on with waste yarn Select a waste yarn in a contrasting color to your project yarn (so it will be easy to see). Nearly all of these are beginner-friendly, so whether you're knitting sweaters or leg warmers, we have for you a perfect cast on method. Youll start your cast on by making a slip knot. This is helpful if, for example, youre making a bag and dont want a ton of movement at the opening. Thank you, this is my daily duh moment. We work hard to bring you the best knitting and crochet have to offer, inspiration and advice as well as great quality yarns at incredible prices! By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. A note regarding knitting in the round: this cast on is always worked flat to begin with, and can be joined to be worked in the round at the very end. Youll alternate between a knit cast on and a purl cast on. It's great for anything involving ribbing or very tight-fitting garments that absolutely require a more elastic edge. })(); By: Kristina Kittelson, Editor, These cast on methods will generally involve adding an additional loop of yarn somewhere in the process or creating stretch by wrapping the yarn around itself somehow. Then please share it on Pinterest! Hi there! The video above can be used in the following patterns, Dans le vido, vous parlez de lire les instructions pour suivre la vido mais jai beau chercher, je ne trouve malheureusement nulle part dinstruction crite . Our step-by-step tutorial shows you how to work the most basic and versatile version of this cast on the long tail tubular cast on. sctHl = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0], As with the standard Long Tail Cast On, dont forget the first youre knitting will be a wrong side row. The Long Tail Cast On. Like its cousin, the long tail cast on, this tubular version uses a long yarn tail and the working yarn to create a super stretchy cast on edge for knits. Hook the needle over the index finger strand, grabbing the yarn. Uses: The long-tail cast-on also counts as a row of knitting, which is nice. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. About yarn tails: the yarn tail is the piece of yarn ending with the cut end and not the length of yarn leading back to the ball. In fact, its not a tubular cast on at all! (Works best on 1x1 rib, okay on 2x2 rib, not recommended for 3x3 or larger ribs.) These are all the same technique, however you might find some subtle differences between tutorials. Rewatch parts of the video above if you need. Please let me know how you get on with this and if you have seen a similar type of cast-on anywhere else. It looks very nice. When you knit the first row and come to the slipknot, remove it from the left-hand needle and give the tail yarn a tug. That was a year ago and its been a fun ride so far. flow.placeholders.site_url = '[site_url]'; But its true that it looks much better on ribbing. This cast on is amazing with a smooth yarn on any ribbed edge, but does not work well for nubby or boucle yarns. They are super confusing on their own. Here at AllFreeKnitting, we have an arsenal of picture and video tutorials for more cast on methods than you'll likely ever need, so we thought it would help you out to gather a few options for stretchy cast ons for reference. The tubular cast on is an invisible cast on that's great for hems cufs and ribbin g edges, where you want to have a little bit of elasticity. Pull the stitch you just made between the two loops on the left-hand needle and, in the same movement, through the stitch already on the right-hand needle. I can see how important it is for you to help us and do so in a way that is encouraging and supportive which helps to build confidence. The cast-on is so elastic that you cant afford to leave any slack in the yarn. The trick? Moet je de laatste steel altijd laten vallen ? Your email address will not be published. You'll often find this method suggested in the middle of a knitting pattern to cast on stitches where you might prematurely bind off or replacing stitches that you temporarily placed on a stitch holder. There are a few different tubular cast on techniques designed for other kinds of projects. It's about as stretchy as the long-tail cast on, so as a general rule, any pattern that uses that method can use this one in its place. Bij deze opzet heb je altijd een oneven aantal steken. Picture this. The result will be an almost similar edge but maybe slightly less invisible and neat. In this case, you have to grab the yarn connected to your index thumb (step 4) coming from below. interstitials: {google_ad_channel: '9127495082'}, The yarn should have a similar gauge to your project yarn and a smooth texture to avoid stray fuzzies when you remove it. To read the applicable privacy policy, please. I am making a hat with 23 ribbing (casting on 120 stitches). Repeat steps 6-10 until you have cast on one less than the number of stitches required for your project, not counting the slipknot. You are my go-to person for any knitting issue, or for inspiration. The alternating cable cast on is also quite stretchy, making it nicely suited for ribbing. Bijzondere aparte steek om op te zetten ik kende hem nog niet maar leuk om te doen. March 20, 3:15pm CST. Its worth learning, or at least book marking this tutorial for later, for those special projects when you really do need a super stretchy edge. So thats it with the stretchy cast ons for today. Are you referring to the cast on row or the gymnastics row as row 1? The work a complete long tail tubular cast-on involves several rows. Repeat steps 2-4 in the new stitch you just made. Just knit them as they appear. "@type": "ImageObject", The Alternating Cable Cast-On is a very stretchy and almost invisible cast-on for any combination of knit and purl stitches. These stretchy cast-ons can be used at the beginning of a project to make a stretchy edge for ribbing. The alternating cable cast on is a beautiful invisible cast on that looks great with ribbing. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Use the steps below for a quick refresher on each step. If you don't want to knit the first round with twisted knit stitches, then yo have to change the way you cast on the purl stitches. Bring the yarn to the front, between the needles. Pick up 4 sts from the space between the thumb and forefinger to close the gap (total of 16 sts in . With that technique, you create the knit stitches. Leave a short tail (6). First, this cast on is super stretchy, making it a great cast on for ribbed edges like socks, cuffs, and sweater necks. The stitch should be able to slide freely on the needle, without looking or feeling too loose. The cast-on creates pairs of stitches so, combined with the initial slipknot, it results in an odd number of stitches. We love this cast on method for its ease of completion, since if you know how to knit a stitch, you can easily complete this cast on method. You now have a purl stitch on the right needle! Enjoy!USEFUL VIDEOS: How to Longtail Cast On: Knit a Slouchy Beanie Step-by-Step Tutorial: All About Knitting Gauge:! If Im honest, while Ive tried a lot of other cast on methods, the long tail is still my favorite, and I am a creature of habit. This video shows the difference between the Chinese Cast-On edge when done the right way and the wrong way so that you can know why its important to knit it the right way. Set up: This cast on starts with a slip knot on your right-hand needle! It creates an interesting knotted edge thats where its alternative name come from. The working yarn should be wrapped around your index finger, the tail around your thumb. Second, it creates a very tidy edge for ribbed projects. Learn how your comment data is processed. Youve finished a beautiful hat for yourself, but when you put it on, the very edge of the brim cuts into your head. If it was a purl cast on, then purl the stitch. Danke fr diese Superanleitung! Two-Colour Cast On The Two-Colour Cast On method is based on the Long Tail Cast On. Find out more about me here. ", I learned this from the YouTube video Jeny's Stretchy Slip-Knot Cast On by Jeny Staiman. Category: Techniques / Subcategory: Cast On. It is a good cast on for K1, P1and K2, P2 ribbing but looks nice on stockinette as well.
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